Myth Buster :.

21 Sep 2023, 05:20
Myth Buster : A common misconception is that ‘NFTs are Imaginary’ Many consider #NFTs somewhat elusive and therefore as a not excellent platform to invest in because of their inability to be exchanged into physical money. #NFTDay #NFTartists

Same news in other sources

OmmniverseOMMI #5642
21 Sep 2023, 05:20
However, usage of #NFTs differs from person to person; some like to store them, and some play around with them. At the same time, the scarcity factor in this scenario boosts NFT’s worth by the extensive period for purchase. #nftday #nftfacts #nftdrop
However, usage of #NFTs differs from person to person. some like to store them, and some play around with them.
However, usage of #NFTs differs from person to person; some like to store them, and some play around with them. At the same time, the scarcity factor in this scenario boosts NFT’s worth by the extensive period for purchase. #nftday #nftfacts #nftdrop